Thursday, April 18, 2013

*BLOG TOUR* Monica Murphy's Second Chance Boyfriend! a Drew + Fable Interview

It's Blog Tour time, baby! I'm SO SO SO unbelievably excited today because I was granted an exclusive interview of one of my favorite new couples, Drew and Fable! So, get excited and be sure to enter the giveaway at the end!

Before we begin, let's get the lowdown on the book, shall we?

Second Chance Boyfriend
by Monica Murphy
Publication Date: April 9th, 2013

Lost. That one single word best describes my life at this very moment. I lost the last games of the season and both my team and my coach blame me. I lost the last two months because I drowned in my own despair like a complete loser. And I lost the only girl who ever mattered because I was afraid being with me would destroy her.

But now I realize how truly lost I am without her. She has become my story…and even though she acts like she’s moved on, I know she still thinks about me just as much as I think about her. She’s beautiful, sweet—and so damn vulnerable, all I want to do is help her. Be there for her. Love her…

If only I could convince Fable to give me a second chance. Then I wouldn’t feel so lost anymore, and neither would she. We could be found together.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Hi Drew and Fable! Thanks for coming by to hang out with me! I’ve been pretty giddy and excited for today. I’m all about the marshmallow love!

Fable: Thank you for having us. We’re not used to all the attention so we’ll try our best to answer your questions. Oh, and we’re all about the marshmallow love too!

Drew: Yeah, thanks for having us. Hopefully I don’t make an ass of myself.

Fable: Oh my God, you’re as bad as Owen. Stop.

I’m so excited for everyone to read Second Chance Boyfriend, which tells the next part of your story. I read it and LOVED it, so I hope you don’t mind that I’d like to learn more about you both!

Fable: What you see in the books is what you get. But please, ask any questions you want.

Drew: Except about Adele. I refuse to talk about her. She’s not worthy of our time. I’m sure you agree, right?

Fable: *whispers* Don’t be rude.

Drew: Gimme a break. Do you want to talk about her?

Fable: No, of course not.

Drew: *wraps his arm around her shoulders* Okay then, we won’t.

TRUST ME...she is the LAST thing I want to talk about...grrr.

Now, before you ever spoke to one another, you both knew of the other by reputation. What were your initial impressions and how did they change within that one week of getting to know one another? What surprised you the most about the other person?

Drew: I’m going to be brutally honest. I thought she was a shallow girl who didn’t give a crap about herself and slept with any guy who came in spitting distance of her. Harsh, right? I know her opinion of me isn’t much better.

Pretty quickly I realized she’s nothing like what I first thought. She’s smart and fiercely loyal. Independent to the point of being stubborn. She’s so damn strong, she amazes me with all that she does. That’s what surprised me the most—how she takes on so much responsibility and she’s so young. She makes me want to be stronger.

Fable: He is so sweet, isn’t he? Okay, I must admit I thought Drew Callahan was a big dumb jock who thought he was too good for anybody. I figured out that he was troubled early on. When we first met, he was completely and totally broken. I wasn’t too far from that myself. I like to think I helped heal him.

Drew: You did.

Fable: Ah, see? And he healed me. But I will say that what surprised me the most is how perfect his life looked on the outside. When really, it was a complete and total mess on the inside. Never, ever judge a book by its cover. Such a cliché but true.

Fable, describe Drew in 5 words?

Sweet, sexy, gorgeous, protective, dreamy

And Drew, same question about Fable?

Loyal, strong, beautiful, sexy, mine

Drew, what were you thinking when you left that letter for Fable?

That I wasn’t good enough for her. I truly believed when I went to her that night, I wasn’t worthy of her. She left me the marshmallow text and I had to make sure she was okay. I needed to make sure she was safe. But then I saw her standing there looking so damn beautiful it hurt and…yeah. I had to have her. Totally selfish of me. I still regret leaving her like that. I’m a jerk. A lucky jerk whose girl forgave him, thank God.

And as a follow up, how did you discover your love (and talent!) for poetry?

Fable makes me feel things I’ve never felt before and when I was without her, I had to get all of those emotions down before I would explode. I don’t know if I’m a talented poet but I tried my best to be creative. I think Fable likes it. A lot.

Fable: I do. I love it. It’s the cutest thing ever. Drew’s my closet romantic.

Seriously Drew, I think you inspired a whole movement of readers attempting poetry for you guys.  *Ahem* I might've even taken a shot at it. =)

Fable, If you had to compare Drew to a famous person, who would you say he looks like?

That’s so hard because to me, he’s just Drew and no one else compares. But if I had to choose someone, it would be a toss up between Zac Efron and Liam Hemsworth.

You are a lucky, lucky girl. For many reasons, of course =)
**Aside: allow me to illustrate, dear readers:

What? huh? Where was I? Oh, sorry...getting back to the interview....
If you could ignore everything else, what would your perfect day be like?

Fable: Um, this is sort of embarrassing so I’ll spare you the details but the perfect day for me would be with Drew in bed and we’d never leave it for a solid twenty-four hours.

Drew: What she said. *leans in to give Fable a kiss on the cheek*

No worries, not too many more questions...then I'll...leave you to the rest of your day. *wink*

Tell me something interesting about yourselves that no one would know....

Drew: When I was younger, I traveled all over the place. Like literally all over the world with my dad. Someday I want to take Fable on a trip around the world, especially since she’s never even left California.

Fable: Yeah, that’s so embarrassing. I don’t really consider myself that interesting, but when I was younger and had more time, I liked to draw and make stuff. Make a mess, is what my mom always told me, so I quit.

Drew: I hate that she said that. I had no idea you liked to draw.

Fable: *shrugs* See, you learned something too. But don’t you dare run out and buy me a bunch of art stuff, Drew. I mean it. I don’t need it.

Drew: Okay, I won’t. *smirks*

To finish up, let’s do a quick fire round!

Favorite thing in the world:

Drew: Fable

Fable: Drew

Biggest pet peeve:

Drew: What a slob Fable is. Damn, the girl is a mess.

Fable: What a neat freak Drew is! It’s part of his control issues I think.

Drew: *turns to Fable* What control issues?

Fable: *rolls eyes* Please. You know exactly what I’m talking about.

Most comforting thing:

Fable: Falling asleep in Drew’s arms, knowing Owen’s safe in his bedroom and that we’re all together at the end of the day.

Drew: Knowing that Fable is by my side no matter what. We’re a team. A team of three, because I can’t forget Owen either. So yeah, pretty much what Fable said.

The first thing that comes to mind when I say “Marshmallow”:

Drew: Love. Rescue. Fable.

Fable: My man. Oh, I sound territorial don’t I?

And that’s it! Anything that you’d like to add for my readers?

Fable: I can speak for both Drew and I about how awesome we think all the readers are out there who show all their love and support for us. You all rock!

Well, thank you both for taking the time to be with me here today! I’ll miss you both, and I hope that I’ll be seeing more of you soon! Give a hug to the fabulous Monica for me, won’t you? Oh, and if you can, sing “Baby Got Back” to her. She LOVES that. *wink wink*

Monica: Ha ha ha. You just had to sneak that in, didn’t you? *hugs*

LOVE that woman! =)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author: 

Monica Murphy is a wife of one and mother of three. A native Californian, she lives in the foothills below Yosemite but hasn't visited the park in years (whoops). She is also the author of the USA Today bestselling One Week Girlfriend and its sequel, Second Chance Boyfriend.

If you have finished Second Chance Boyfriend and you want more Drew and Fable, check out the exclusive deleted scene that Monica posted on her blog! HERE!

Where to purchase & learn more:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads | Author's Website

Have you read Second Chance Boyfriend? What did you think? Planning to read it? Comment below!

This blog tour is brought to you by the FAB:

Check out all the stops you've missed HERE!

all the best, dear readers!


  1. Awwww....this made me tear up!!! I love the story and these characters so much. Thank you for the PERFECT interview!

  2. Loved this interview. It's cute... Drew and Fable are cute. I've actually already read SCB and loved it!

  3. Amazing interview! I fell in Love with Drew & Fable in One Week Girlfriend and now I am very Excited to read Second Chance Boyfriend and see where these 2 go!! One of my Favorite couples of all time!!!

  4. Drew and Fable are so awesome. I hope there is more.

  5. Oh that was the BEST ever! Love these two as long as they're TOGETHER! Must be together. Still reading SCB and LOVING it!

    (Oh I really WANTS that marshmallow charm)


  6. I LOVE this post!! I have heard such good things about this. I am going to have to read this series.

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