Friday, April 3, 2015

*BLOG TOUR* FUEL THE FIRE by Krista & Becca Ritchie: Character Interview + Giveaway!

HAPPY HAPPY BOOK BIRTHDAY to FUEL THE FIRE and Krista & Becca Ritchie!! I have been DYING for this book, and fortunately, it released early yesterday! Let me just tell you, only a few chapters in and I could tell you how amazing this book was going to be. The books of this series are full of love, and heartbreak, and beautiful friendships....and just so much gritty realism. And so, SO much steaminess. ANYWAY, ringing endorsement, right here!

I'm so happy to have gotten the opportunity to join this tour and to celebrate the books, the characters, and the authors I love! And I knew just how I wanted to do it. You see....the guys in these books? They're beyond compare (as are the women they love). So, I managed to wrangle up an interview with them!

Check out the book, check out my interview, then check out the Giveaway! Go forth and have fun!
xoxo, Christine

Fuel the Fire by Krista & Becca Ritchie
Series: Calloway Sisters #3
Genre: New Adult Contemporary
Publication Date: April 3rd, 2015

Protect your family. At all costs.

It’d take the impossible to hurt Connor Cobalt, even for a moment.

Protect your family. At all costs.

At twenty-six, his narcissistic tendencies have made room for the people he loves.

Protect your family. At all costs.

And he loves Rose. But when his love is threatened, when his greatest dreams with her are compromised — what is the cost then?

Protect your family. At all costs.

Love will guide his choices.

For the first time in his life.

***** An Interview with the Guys of the Addicted/Calloway Sisters Series *****

Hello to all of my readers! I have something pretty special for you today!

I’m writing to you live from the residence of some of my favorite couples ever, and I’m so excited to get to sit down with male halves of the duos. I fell head over heels in love with Loren Hale, Connor Cobalt, and Ryke Meadows (and the women they love) as I binged through the entire Addicted/Calloway Sisters series.

My nerves are all over the place, butterflies beat my insides to a pulp, and I’m just trying not to turn red (Lily and I have this trait in common). Oh, shoot, here they come. One last warning, knowing these guys, there’s bound to be some cursing and a whole lot of getting real, so if you have delicate ears/eyes, you might want to vacate…Wish me luck! I’m going in…

Connor and Lo enter the living room, but Ryke seems to be missing...probably running late.

I stand to greet them.

Me: Hi guys! Thanks so much for letting me stop by and talk to you. I know you have busy schedules.

Connor: Unfortunately not all of us can tell time. *sits on the couch next to Loren*

Loren: I’m texting my brother right now, so hopefully he remembers this interview.

Connor: Oh I’m fairly certain he remembers. He just doesn’t follow the parameters of time. *pockets his own cellphone*

Loren: he’s irritating you that much?

Connor: He’s late. Anyone who’s late impedes on the important tasks that I need to do.

Loren: *lets out a laugh* let me guess, you’re never late.

Connor: Correct.

Me: Since Ryke’s running a little bit late, let’s talk about you two for a little bit. How is my favorite Bromance doing?

Loren: *flashes half-smile* we’re doing great, thanks for asking.

Connor: I’d use a different word.

Loren: Like?

Connor: Extraordinary and impeccable for starters.

Loren: *draws a circle around his heart playfully* thanks, love.

Me: *grins widely* What is your favorite thing about one another?

Loren: *slouches a little in his seat and turns to Connor more* you first.

Connor: two words I always hear. *grins*

Loren: *claps* That’s my favorite thing about you.

Connor: That I’m always number one. It is a desirable trait *grins wider*

Loren: *shakes his head with a smile* And me? *touches his chest*

Connor: everything about you makes you you, and so every part of you is equally my favorite.

Me: You two have such an amazing relationship with one another. Do you think Ryke ever feels left out when it’s just the three of you?

Loren: I think he probably used to. I gave him a hard time when I was going through some shit—especially with my addiction. But now we’re better, so I give him as much attention as Connor.

Connor: if he feels left out it’s probably because he purposefully wants to be alone. He shuts down conversations faster than I can even start them.

As they finish answering, the front door bursts open, and in slow motion (at least in my head, it’s in slow motion….just roll with me here, readers!) Ryke Fucking Meadows walks in. Shirtless. With a slight sheen of perspiration from the run he has obviously return from. I am never so glad that he was late in my life and I’m pretty sure I’m reaching new records on my facial tomato-meter. Oh crap, he’s talking to me…better snap out of my stupor!

Ryke: Fuck, how late am I?

Me: You’re fucking Ryke Meadows! I mean, you’re Ryke fucking Meadows! I mean…H-hi-hi. Hi Ryke. *whispers* Somebody kill me now.

Ryke: *almost smiles* I’m guessing not that fucking late then? *takes a seat next to his brother (Loren) on the couch*

Me: No, no. Not too late at all. Ahem. Sorry for my momentary bout of stupid! Let’s get back to the interview! How long has it been since we last saw you guys [in Addicted After All] and can you tell me just a little bit about what you’ve been up to? Without spoiling us, of course!

Ryke: Halloween was just a fucking week ago, so it hasn’t been too long.

Connor: I don’t think this was mentioned, but during the Halloween party, Willow—Loren’s sister—was a little…flustered?

Loren: *glares* say what you mean.

Ryke: he means infatuated with the boy down the street.

Connor: I didn’t say infatuated.

Ryke: Then what?

Connor: I really meant flustered, she knocked into a torch and burned a hay bale in our backyard while he was talking to her—which strangely didn’t make the cut in that particular retelling of our lives. (He means Addicted After All)

Ryke: Willow wasn’t fucking happy about it, and now you tell the entire world. Great job, Cobalt.

Connor: You’re half to blame when you willingly added details to the story.

Ryke: *flips him the middle finger*

Connor: I rest my case.

Ryke: *glowers* About what?

Connor: If you were here on time, you’d know.

Me: *tries to hide a grin behind a hand, unsuccessfully* You’ve all lived through a lot of tough times, but it seems like you all have survived so well and have become all the stronger for it. On the flip side, what has been one of your happiest moments since the series first began?

Loren: marrying Lily with my son there.

Ryke: *stares at his hands for a second* Costa Rica with Dais.

Connor: the birth of my daughter and seeing Rose hold her.

Me: I fell in love with Rose, Lily, and Daisy right along with you guys. Can you tell me what your favorite quality is about each of the three women?
Let’s start with Rose?

Loren: *grimaces* Pass.

Ryke: she never changes who she is for anyone.

Connor: her mind.

Me: Now, Lily?

Loren: *smiles* her ability to love every kind of person, even what I was at my worst, she saw something good in me.

Ryke: she can be pretty funny, and I’d choose to hang out with her over a fucking ton of other people.

Connor: her passion for pop culture.

Me: And last, but certainly not least, Daisy?

Loren: she’s probably the nicest person I’ve ever met.

Ryke: her wild fucking heart. I’d travel around the world with her in an instant.

Connor: her selflessness.

Me: For the dads in the room! What’s your favorite part about being a dad? The most challenging part?

Loren: It’s hard to describe the best part—it’s just simple things…him. My son being here is the best part, but I could do with less dirty diapers. *flashes half-smile*

Connor: I love watching her grow up, every day, and nothing’s that challenging for me. I’ve gone with less sleep during college than I have taking care of her at night.

Me: Ryke, any kids in your future?

Ryke: I don’t fucking know. *shrugs*

Me: Time to get a little bit random: I just have to start out with this little game. Fuck, Marry, Kill. Anna Kendrick, Angelina Jolie, Scarlett Johansen. Go!

Loren: Marry. Fuck. Kill.

Ryke: *thinks for a second* Kill. Fuck. Marry.

Connor: Kill. Marry. Fuck.

Me: Are you guys still on twitter? If you are, what’s the last thing that you tweeted?

Loren: I retweeted something about Team Raisin. *pats his brother’s back*

Ryke: *rolls his eyes* I think I tweeted about the fucking weather.

Loren: he’s not joking.

Connor: I tweeted a picture of Rose and me from Halloween.

Me: You can time travel and teleport to any time, any place, for one time only. When and where would you go with your significant other?

Connor: this seems highly illogical, but I’d probably go to the 1920s with Rose. She’s more fascinated by that era than me, and I know she’d enjoy exploring.

Loren: Can we fast forward? I’d go to the future with Lil. Maybe to another planet or something.

Ryke: I’d take Dais to Woodstock or some crazy fucking experience like that.

Me: Our time is just about up! Before I ask the last question, is there anything that you want to add or ask of me or your fans?

Loren: thanks for all the support, especially if you believe in us and not everything the media says. Oh and… *pats his brother’s back again* all the people on Team Raisin.

Ryke: Fucking hilarious. It’s Raisy, but every time I correct you I feel like Lily. *nods to interviewer* and thanks, Christine, for letting me drop in late.

Connor: it’s been a pleasure, Christine.

Me: *feels the blush rising in my cheeks* For the record, I'm totally Team LiLo, Team Raisy, and Team Coballoway! 

Ok, Last question: Describe what you’re feeling right now, in one word.

Loren: tired.

Ryke: fucking hungry.

Connor: *checks watch* busy. And “fucking hungry” is two words.

Ryke: *flips him off one last time*

Me: And that’s a wrap! Thank you guys so, so much for inviting me here today! I can’t wait to see everything that is in store for you all. But I wish you and all of the girls the absolute best. You’re all some of my favorite OTPs and I am rooting for your happiness!

As I stand to see myself out, all three men stand, towering over my five foot, one frame. I gulp, the nerves returning full force.

Me: Is it too much to ask for a hug before I go?

*Cue my five-alarm-fire chili pepper face.*

Loren: *smiles* of course.

Ryke: I’m kind of…sweaty but if you don’t fucking mind that, I’ll definitely hug you.

Connor: And the best will be saved for last. *winks*

The next few moments, as I’m passed to from one muscular hug to another, pass by in a blur. A heavenly blur, with all the details just a bit foggy. Next thing I know, I’m sitting in my car and a glimpse into my rear view mirror shows that I am, indeed, wearing the sappiest, love-struck grin on my face. That went better than I expected. Oh, and in case you were wondering, Ryke smells good, even after a run.

Just as I’m about to turn the key in the ignition, a Facebook message from a friend tells me “IT’S LIVE! IT’S LIVE! IT’S LIVE!”

Scrambling, and almost dropping my phone in the process, I see that Fuel the Fire is now available on my Kindle Reader app! Squealing with delight, I start up the car and drive like a bat out of hell for home. Looks like I have a hot date with my favorite couples! This day just exploded with even more AWESOME.

About the Author:
Krista & Becca Ritchie are identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. Now in their early twenties, they write about other twenty-somethings navigating through life, college, and romance. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.

They are the New Adult authors of the Addicted series and Calloway Sisters spin-off series, and you can find them on almost every social media, frolicking around like wannabe unicorns.

Where to purchase & learn more:


Well, don't just sit there! Those links up there are SO Convenient! *wink*

You can win:
$100 Amazon Gift Card
3 Signed Paperbacks of FUEL THE FIRE

Both giveaways are open internationally!

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all the best, dear readers!