and raffle winners have been chosen (and emailed!)
I've got some CRAZY incentives rounded up...
For the first round, I have these exclusive bookmarks I designed just for the tourney! These babies will be SIGNED by K.A. Tucker! Plus e-books!


Then, if we make it thru the 2nd round, we're getting an exclusive TRENT POV from K.A. Tucker! PLUS a signed galley copy of TEN TINY BREATHS. It doesn't get more awesome than that!
K.A. Tucker has promised an exclusive Trent POV of a super sexy scene between him and Kacey. If you’ve been fortunate enough to read Ten Tiny Breaths....it’s THAT scene. Say no more...But for those of you who haven’t, let me give you a little taste from Kacey’s POV:
I freeze, my cheeks flaming, acutely aware that I am standing completely naked in front of a guy that can make me climax with the right look. I hear the bed creak and footsteps approach slowly, but I don’t move. Trent edges up behind me and the air in the room grows thicker. I can’t turn around. I can’t face him and I don’t know why.
I can feel his very existence as if it’s wrapping its hand around my soul, cradling it, trying to protect it from harm and I’m terrified. Terrified because I don’t ever want the feeling to end.
I can feel his very existence as if it’s wrapping its hand around my soul, cradling it, trying to protect it from harm and I’m terrified. Terrified because I don’t ever want the feeling to end.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I am so happy, and so proud to have been chosen to advocate for Trent Emerson from K.A. Tucker's Ten Tiny Breaths. I want to shout about this book to all the world and I want everyone who hasn't yet experienced this life-affirming and life-altering book to just about die to get their hands on it.
But for now, I have a favor to ask of you....I NEED YOUR HELP!
IF YOU LOVE any of the following, please make yourself known!!
a) K.A. Tucker, author of the phenomenal Ten Tiny Breaths and One Tiny Lie
b) the aforementioned Ten Tiny Breaths....have you not read this yet? Seriously? Check out these reviews, it's amazing (GOODREADS)
c) Trent
d) A Gorgeous, blue-eyed, dimpled, passionate man who “skates between nice guy and bad boy so fluidly" and just wants nothing more than to have his woman...save her, make her whole...
There are so many, many more reasons why Trent deserves the ultimate crown to be the first ever winner of the NA Crush Tourney...all of which I'll be putting in my advocate post....
What I need from you:
1. Support our guy! Grab one of the following two #TeamTrent banners and go crazy! Change your twitter avi, your facebook photo, share it, post it, tweet it, blog about it...anything you want!

2. Sign up for the Street Team if you're are willing to get a updates with new graphics and match up dates! GO HERE TO SIGN UP! or Sign up below! (emails will be deleted at the end of the tourney & only the minimal emails will be sent)
3. BE SURE TO VOTE!! (I believe you will be able to vote multiple times a day...and do it from each device!) Our first match up is on TUESDAY, JUNE 25th! The post and voting will be open on MONDAY at 11:59PM EST! that's MONDAY 8:59PM on the West Coast! Voting will be open for 24 HOURS!
The winner of this match up will then face up against Lucas from Easy...this will be a tough tournament and we can use all the help we can!
4. Stay tuned for more news....because we have some giveaways in the works (SIGNED BOOK ANY ONE?)...but until then...
UPDATE!! Do you remember that super sexy scene between Kacey & Trent? Yes, THAT scene? Well....K.A. Tucker is promising a Trent POV is she can make it past the next two rounds. I don't think that she thinks Trent will make it past some of our tough competition....well, let's prove her wrong and show her how much we care!
Ten Tiny Breaths
by K.A. Tucker
Kacey Cleary’s whole life imploded four years ago in a drunk-driving accident. Now she’s working hard to bury the pieces left behind—all but one. Her little sister, Livie. Kacey can swallow the constant disapproval from her born-again aunt Darla over her self-destructive lifestyle; she can stop herself from going kick-boxer crazy on Uncle Raymond when he loses the girls’ college funds at a blackjack table. She just needs to keep it together until Livie is no longer a minor, and then they can get the hell out of Grand Rapids, Michigan.
But when Uncle Raymond slides into bed next to Livie one night, Kacey decides it’s time to run. Armed with two bus tickets and dreams of living near the coast, Kacey and Livie start their new lives in a Miami apartment complex, complete with a grumpy landlord, a pervert upstairs, and a neighbor with a stage name perfectly matched to her chosen “profession.” But Kacey’s not worried. She can handle all of them. What she can’t handle is Trent Emerson in apartment 1D.
Kacey doesn’t want to feel. She doesn’t. It’s safer that way. For everyone. But sexy Trent finds a way into her numb heart, reigniting her ability to love again. She starts to believe that maybe she can leave the past where it belongs and start over. Maybe she’s not beyond repair.
But Kacey isn’t the only one who’s broken. Seemingly perfect Trent has an unforgiveable past of his own; one that, when discovered, will shatter Kacey’s newly constructed life and send her back into suffocating darkness.
all the best, dear readers!

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