Hello lovely New Adult readers! I’m Christine from i *Heart* Big Books (and i cannot lie...) and I’m ecstatically, enthusiastically, and gleefully here to tell you why TRENT EMERSON from K.A. Tucker’s phenomenal NA debut, TEN TINY BREATHS, deserves to be crowned the winner of this first ever NA Crush Tourney!
Not only one of the smash hits of 2012, but one of my favorite novels EVER, Ten Tiny Breaths was an emotional, uplifting, and life-altering novel that, literally, excuse the pun, took my breath away. And Trent....well, Trent was an endlessly complex, gorgeous, swoon inducing, good guy/bad boy hero to the nth degree. After Trent...I was never the same...
So, without further ado, let’s get down to the Ten (not so) Tiny Reasons...why Trent should be your NA Crush Tourney winner of 2013:
Seize them. Feel them. Love them.
ONE... Physically, he is beyond gorgeous. He is the whole lust inducing six foot-three package of endlessly blue eyes, lickable dimples, and a chiseled, well-muscled physique, (eight-pack included).
My breath hitches at the sight of him and those deep dimples he flashes shamelessly. It’s been more than two weeks since I bumped into him here, yet seeing him instantly ignites a fire within me.
TWO... His eyes. His eyes deserve to stand on their own, not only for their color and their beauty, but more so, for the depth of emotion and feeling that he is able to convey through them.
The air leaves my lungs in a swoosh, and I’m left staring at a set of deep dimples and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen—cobalt rings with light blue on the inside.... The blue floors, the rusty old machines, the walls, everything around me vanishes under the weight of his gaze as it strips me of my protective bitch coat, yanking it clean off my body, leaving me bare and vulnerable in seconds.
When he peers up at my face, I have to close my eyes. I can’t handle the look in his. It’s full of heat and desire and intentions.
THREE... He infuses every action with undeniable and effortless sex appeal. Whether training at a fighter’s gym, or riding his motorcycle, and even when doing laundry, it is tangible and unavoidable.
A gentle fingertip pushes my chin up until I’m looking at Trent’s earnest eyes. “I’ll keep you safe, Kacey. Just hold on to me. Tight.” I let him place the helmet on my head and gently fasten the strap around my chin, his deft fingers brushing my skin in a way that sends shivers through my body.
I watch the muscles in his shoulders shift as he pours detergent into the machine. Who knew doing laundry could be sexy. When he turns to me and winks, I jump….
For two years, I haven’t given anyone the time of day. Now, here I am, day one in our new life, and I’m ready to straddle this guy on the washer.
FOUR... Yet, at the same time, he radiates a soul-deep kindness and sweetness, making little girls (and big girls as well) believe in fairy tales...that she could be a princess and he, her prince.
From behind his back, Trent produces a bunch of five pink roses. He kneels on one knee to present it to her. I hear the collective sigh from all the grown women in the group, including myself.
“Thank you for inviting me,” he says. She clutches the flowers in both her tiny hands, and then gazes at Trent with wide, starry eyes that don’t blink for far too long. Her cheeks flush and I can tell this is the moment where Mia falls in love with him. This tall stranger has just become her life-long prince.
“Thank you for inviting me,” he says. She clutches the flowers in both her tiny hands, and then gazes at Trent with wide, starry eyes that don’t blink for far too long. Her cheeks flush and I can tell this is the moment where Mia falls in love with him. This tall stranger has just become her life-long prince.
FIVE... Trent is anything but one-dimensional. He is a mass of contradictions that make him both intriguing and appealing all at once.
He stops what he’s doing to glance over his shoulder, blazing eyes leveling me with a look that makes me want to do things to him, for him, with him. His attention drags down the length of my body, unashamed. This guy is a contradiction. One second sweet, the next second brazen. A mind-blowing hot contradiction.
He skates between nice guy and bad boy so fluidly, I never seem to catch the transition.
SIX... He makes the simple and often overlooked act of holding hands become something remarkable and special. Showing that even through the smallest touch, one can comfort, love, and heal.
When my fingertips graze his and warmth spreads through me, that dread evaporates.
His warmth. His life.
Closing my eyes, I slide my hand further in, slipping my fingers between his and curling them around. My lips part in a small gasp when his grip tightens over mine. He doesn’t move closer though. He doesn’t try anything or say anything. We stand like that, in the doorway, our hands entwined, for what feels like forever.
His warmth. His life.
Closing my eyes, I slide my hand further in, slipping my fingers between his and curling them around. My lips part in a small gasp when his grip tightens over mine. He doesn’t move closer though. He doesn’t try anything or say anything. We stand like that, in the doorway, our hands entwined, for what feels like forever.
SEVEN... He doesn’t want one is perfect. He wants Kacey, who is real, imperfect, and broken. He wants her just the way she is.
But Trent … there’s something different about him, and I don’t have to think hard to see it. Something about the way he takes over a room, the way he looks at me, like he has already identified and can disarm every one of my defense mechanisms with no effort, like he sees through them to the disaster lying beneath.
And he wants it.
And he wants it.
“You hate me, don’t you? You must hate me. I can’t help it. I’m broken.”
Trent squeezes me close to him. “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. Give me your heart, Kacey. I’ll take everything that comes with it.”
EIGHT... Yet, even though he will take Kacey, broken pieces and all, he wants to help her, to save her, make her smile...and make her whole.
His dimples are in full force now. “I want to make you smile. For real. Always. We’re going to go for dinners, and see movies, and walk on the beach. We’ll go hang-gliding, or bungee jumping, or whatever you want to do. Whatever makes you smile and laugh more.” His fingers toy with my bottom lip. “Let me make you smile.”
“I’ll make you whole again, Kacey. I promise you, I will,” he whispers. And then his mouth covers mine.
“I’d fix it all for you if I could. You know that, right?” He whispers. I wonder if he’s talking about my scars or the last four years of my life.
“Yes,” is all I say. Yes to all of it.
NINE... He believes in “forever”.
“And I will. From now on, Kacey. I will. I will devote every day for the rest of our lives to making you happy. I promise.”
“Forever’s a long time.”
Trent’s arms squeeze around me. “Forever’s not long enough when it’s with you.”

And finally...
TEN... Trent is as essential as breathing.
A Trent void. It throbs like a deep ache through every fiber of my being. I crave his presence, his body, his voice, his laugh, his touch, his everything.
I need him.
I need Trent.
He’s like ripe watermelon after a lifetime of thirst. He’s like air after years under water.
He’s like life.
Well, there you have it readers! Ten (not so) Tiny Reasons why TRENT is your pick for the Ultimate New Adult Crush!
In the end, it boils down to this: Trent is the real deal. The full package. He is stunningly attractive on both the inside and out. He is passionate and caring, so conflicted, and yet so full of hope. He left me with a heart, head, and soul full of love for him and his story. He embodies the full spirit of the New Adult genre…so get to it and
Seize him. Feel him. Love him.

Looks like you're doing great in the contest!