
Saturday, September 28, 2013

10 Days of TEN TINY BREATHS #GIVEAWAY Celebration!!

Welcome to my stop of the 10 Days of Ten Tiny Breaths blog tour! We're celebrating the release of this absolutely wonderful book. It released into the wild on September 24th, so if you haven't gone out to get it yet, be sure to remedy that immediately! OR, maybe you'll win a copy here! ;) If you're interested in my review, you can see it HERE.

I'm just one of the lucky ten that were chosen to give away a SIGNED PAPERBACK of Ten Tiny Breaths to YOU, my lovely readers! But, I also wanted to give away something more. How about 5 SIGNED EXCLUSIVE Ten Tiny Breaths, #TeamTrent bookmarks that I designed for the NA Crush Tourney? K.A. Tucker was so kind as to sign these for me to give away to her fans!

The Signed Paperback GIVEAWAY last ONE DAY ONLY! So act fast!!

Ten Tiny Breaths
by K.A. Tucker

Just breathe, Kacey. Ten tiny breaths. Seize them. Feel them. Love them.

Four years ago, Kacey Cleary’s life imploded when her car was hit by a drunk driver, killing her parents, boyfriend, and best friend. Still haunted by memories of being trapped inside, listening to her mother take her last breath, Kacey wants to leave her past behind. Armed with two bus tickets, Kacey and her fifteen-year-old sister, Livie, escape Grand Rapids, Michigan, to start over in Miami. They’re struggling to make ends meet at first, but Kacey’s not worried. She can handle anything—anything but her mysterious neighbor in apartment 1D.

Trent Emerson has smoldering blue eyes and deep dimples, and perfectly skates that irresistible line between nice guy and bad boy. Hardened by her tragic past, Kacey is determined to keep everyone at a distance, but their mutual attraction is undeniable, and Trent is desperate to find a way into Kacey’s guarded heart—even if it means revealing an explosive secret that could shatter both their worlds.

About the Author: 

Born in small-town Ontario, Kathleen published her first book at the age of six with the help of her elementary school librarian and a box of crayons.

She is a voracious reader and the farthest thing from a genre-snob, loving everything from High Fantasy to Chick Lit.

Kathleen currently resides in a quaint small town outside of Toronto with her husband, two beautiful girls, and an exhausting brood of four-legged creatures.

Where to purchase & learn more:

And now for the giveaways! BOTH ARE OPEN INTERNATIONALLY! Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

all the best, dear readers!


  1. Thanks for the giveaway!!! *fingers crossed*

  2. looking forward to how will their relationship develop

  3. No I haven't! Hearing such good thing about this book makes me excited. All the good reviews:)
    My favorite so far Pulse!! By Gail McHugh

  4. this book sounds very interesting :D
    The blurb makes me even more interested

  5. I loved this book and have read it multiple times. What I look forward to most is Trent...duh!!! ;-)

  6. I love this series! I have an ecopy but would love to have a signed copy!!! Thanks so much!

  7. Thanks so much for a chance at winning what sounds like a great read!

  8. LOVE your blog!! LOVE your giveaways!! Thank you!!

  9. I am most looking forward to the story when I get to read 10 Tiny Breathes. The reviews have been amazing!! I cannot wait to get lost in this story :-)

  10. I am most excited to see how Kacey and her sister Livie's story plays out

  11. Just found out about this book a few months back. Can't wait to read it :D

  12. I really want to read this book because I've read some great reviews! I'm looking forward to Kacey and Trent! Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. This book sounds both tragic and exciting, that's why I can't wait to read it!

  14. Falling in love with Trent and Kasey again.

  15. I've been wanting to read this forever so this is great! I have seen so many incredible reviews for both books in the series. And I love those covers!

  16. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I already read it and I LOVED IT! Can't wait for having it in my hands :')

  17. This is one of my favorite series of all times. I read and adored both Ten Tiny Breaths and One Tiny Lie. I'm dying to read Four Seconds to Lose... I have a feeling it will also be incredibly awesome. :)

  18. Love this book my favorite new adult book so far this year is The Fallen too Far series.
    Ty for the giveaway :)

  19. I've read the book, it's awesome. Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. I've red this book,is really good book :)
    Thanks for the giveaway :)

  21. No I have not yet read the book. I have read sooooooo many great novels that I cannot pick just one!!!

  22. I love a book that touches all my emotions and by all the great reviews I have read this will do that!

  23. Everything about this book makes me want to read it crossing fingers would love to have this Thank you for so many amazing chances.

  24. I've read the book and love it!!!

  25. I've heard so many great things about this book! I get told often that it's a must read! Can't wait to start it!

  26. Walking Disaster is a favorite.

    I haven't read this new book yet but I have heard a lot of buzz about it!

  27. I am looking forward to reading it again!!!
    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  28. I haven't read TEN TINY BREATHS yet.. my favorite NA book this year would be Reckless by S.C. Stephens..
    Im looking forward to the climax and conflict of the story!
    Hope it'll be good! Thank you for this giveaway

  29. I've heard such amazing things about this book and have been dying to read it!! :D

  30. This is one of my all time favorite books!! Would love to win a signed copy! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  31. YES I HAVE and I read so many this year it's impossible to choose!

  32. One of my all time favorite books, I just want to hold it in my hands. It is gorgeous!

  33. I'm looking forward to how Kacey & Trent interact with one another, of course, that big secret he's hiding from her!!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win the book.

  35. I've actually already read TTB, but I cannot wait for Four Seconds to Lose!!

  36. I've read TTB and absolutely LOVED Kacey and Trent's story! K.A. Tucker is a phenomenal author!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  37. Yes I have read it... Loved the book!! I cannot wait for Four seconds to Lose!

  38. I didn´t read Ten Tiny Breaths yet, but I can´t wait :) My favorite NA book so far is Faking it by Cora Carmack, Max and Cade are great! :)
